From the Baltics to the most Southern tip of Africa, Film O’Clock International Festival uses meridians to connect audiences across cities, countries, and continents. With simultaneous screenings and live Q&A’s, audiences are given the chance to experience a film festival from miles away. FoC IFF will bring the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres together, because the love for cinema stretches beyond our borders.
Curated by a committee of programmers from each country, the festival selection will focus on the discovery of new voices, and highlight each culture’s storytelling trends.
FoC IFF aims to make the film festival experience more accessible by eliminating expensive travel fees and the “by invitation-only” tradition. Films can be used as a vehicle to communicate emotions and ideas and, thereby, enrich the audience’s understanding of themselves and others. By connecting different audiences in the same time zone, the interchange of films and discussions aim to instil empathy and broaden one country’s awareness of another. A love is cultivated as a result, not only for cinema, but also for our time zone–neighbours.
Enjoy your time. It’s Film O’Clock.
Lithuanian Film Centre, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Dovzhenko Centre, Zhovten Cinema, Centrul Național al Cinematografiei din Republica Moldova, Academia de Muzică, Teatru și Arte Plastice, UNATC – National University of Theatre and Film I.L.Caragiale in Bucharest, CineEuroConnect: A Collaborative Film Museum & Heritage Film Festival, NATFA – National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia, Cinema Derida, Blaga Films, Marker Brands, Filmmaker, Club DOREMI/ Asociația Culturală Româno-Elenă ARTĂ și CULTURĂ Athens, Zawya Cinema, Neelsie Cinema.