Filmmaking Opportunities on the 25th Meridian East
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What motivates international film co-productions? Are we talking only about money, the film incentives and the tax breaks or is it something else that makes a film project move forwards as an international collaboration? How do we create, fund, and distribute the stories in such a way to reflect international collaboration and preserve the particularities of national film culture?
The stand pole concept of Film O’Clock International Festival is the international collaboration between countries that share the same time zone. This year the participating countries are Lithuania, Romania, Greece, Egypt and South Africa and through this Industry Talk we wish to set up the table for creative collaboration between film industry professionals from the idea conception to distribution. What are the benefits, and which are the challenges when it comes to developing a film project in a country that you don’t know, that culturally is far away from everything you’ve experienced before?
We will moderate a conversation around these topics while our guests will come up with practical solutions based on their experience targeting this event with a global audience. Beyond the film festivals circuit, that has more or less offered a path for art films to reach their audiences, film production incentives, creative residencies and workshops foster collaborations between creative minds. The first step is to be informed, therefore join our Industry Talk: Filmmaking Opportunities on the 25th Meridian East. The detailed list of speakers and the event’s agenda will be announced soon.